Friday, January 11, 2013

Plugging my new baseball radio show

This is a shameless plug. I admit it. But what the hay, it's my blog and I have bills to pay.

I'm pleased to announce the debut of a new baseball radio show I'm co-hosting with former presidential speechwriter and fellow baseball author, Curt Smith, called A Talk in the Park. The weekly, hour-long interview show will air Saturdays at noon on WYSL AM-1040 and 92.1 FM. The show also will be streamed live and available on podcast at

I think we have a pretty strong lineup for our first show, with Baseball Hall of Fame president Jeff Idelson discussing the recent Hall voting; New York and San Francisco Giants pitching legend Johnny Antonelli reminiscing about his 1954 World Series championship team; Red Wings general manager Dan Mason talking about what it was like running three teams (Wings, Scranton/Wilkes Barre and Batavia) last summer, and St. Louis writer Rob Rains giving his take on no modern-era players being elected this year for Cooperstown.

The show will air weekly and we're going to have a nice mix of national and local baseball personalities. Plus, we've got some great baseball music through the years that we're using as lead-ins to the show's various segments.

So, please check it out, either live or via podcast. 

1 comment:

Les said...

Scott - I look forward to your show.